Holocaust  Survivors'  Network
preserving the past to protect the future ...
The Holocaust in Romania Under the Antonescu Government

by Marcu Rozen
From the Author:
Acknowledgement and Specification




The [print] book [in Romanian and English] has been published with the support of the Romanian Government and Claims Conference (Rabbi Israel Miller Fund for Shoah Research, Documentation and Education).

I also take this opportunity to express my thanks from the bottom of my heart to the generous family, ORIELLA and SORIN ILOVICI, for their support in editing this work.


With respect and gratitude,

Eng. Marcu Rozen



To the Reader's Attention!


The events and data contained in this work refer strictly to the territories under Romanian authority, i.e., under Antonescu government at the respective time.

This work does not refer to the Jews of Northern Transylvania, which territory was under Horthyst occupation at the time. As such, the responsibility for the crimes committed against these Jews rests exclusively with the Hungarian authorities in Budapest during the respective time frame.

By the same token, this work does not refer to the few Jews (below 1,000 persons) living in the Quadrilater area, since this territory was relinquished to Bulgaria in September 1940.

The events are being presented in chronological order. The statistical figures cited in this work are based in their majority on official data of the Romanian State, resulting from population censuses and other similar records.

Marcu Rozen,
Member in the Romanian Statistics Society

