Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: "Forget You Not".


I Survived

the 20th Century Holocaust


"Forget You Not"™:
H o l o c a u s t   S u r v i v o r s   a n d   R e m e m b r a n c e   P r o j e c t
- Part III -
T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
iSurvived.org >
< ForgetYouNot.org >

Dachau (sub-camp
                                                        Liberated by US
Dachau prisoners (from the sub-camp called Allach) cheer the liberating US Army

Mauthausen survivors cheer the soldiers of the 2nd Armored Division
of the US Third Army.
The banner reads: "The Spanish Anti-Fascists Salute the Liberating Forces."

"Fear not your enemies, for they can only kill you.
Fear not your friends, for they can only betray you.
Fear only the indifferent, who permit the killers and betrayers
to walk safely on the earth."

Edward Yashinsky
(Yiddish poet who survived the Holocaust only to die in a Communist prison in Poland)
Ref: Lookstein, Haskel: "Were We Our Brother's Keepers?" New York: 1985.

Prisoners of
                                                          Dachau at
Prisoners of Dachau, at Liberation, Cheering the Liberating US Soldiers: We Are Free ... Free ...

III. Faces and Voices of Holocaust Survivors 


"Forget You Not"™ Project
Auschwitz Survivors

1. A Minute Sample of Some Survivors of the Holocaust
Nobel Laureates
Holocaust Survivors
The First Eyewitness
of the Holocaust
Holocaust Survivors
Holocaust Survivors
Living in Israel
Gay Survivors
Olympic Greats
Holocaust Survivors
"My father was killed by Poles, but I was saved by Poles.
It really shows that you can never generalize about people."
Eli Zborowski
2. Oral History Archives and Holocaust Survivor Testimonies
3. Photos of Holocaust Survivors at Liberation
4. Memorials and Celebrations to Life in the Shadows of Death and Destruction

I am my brother's

"By telling our stories, by teaching about the Holocaust and writing our memoirs, we force ourselves to recall the painful past in order to assure future generations of children an innocent and happy childhood free of menacing violence. Now we want to be assured that our efforts were not in vain. We want to live out our lives secure in the knowledge that these inhumanities will never happen again - not because there are laws which say they are wrong, but because PEOPLE say so. It is people who should admonish one another with the biblical command Zachor, Remember!"

Ruth Glasberg Gold, Romanian Holocaust Survivor
(before the United Nations, 2009)


1. A Minute Sample of Some Survivors of the Holocaust


Wiesenthal homage

"For your benefit, learn from our tragedy.
It is not a written law that the next victims
must be Jews." --Simon Wiesenthal


<> Simon Wiesenthal,Who Helped Hunt Nazis After War,
Dies at 96;
Tirelessly Pursued Nazi Fugitives
by Ralph Blumenthal
<> An Obituary of Simon Wiesenthal
by Hella Pick
<> Simon Wiesenthal, 96, Legendary Nazi Hunter
by Michael Berenbaum

We Did Not Forget YOU:
Editor's Condolences to the Wiesenthal Family


When we come to the other world and meet the millions of Jews who died in the camps and they ask us, "What have you done?" there will be many answers. You will say, "I became a jeweler." Another will say, "I smuggled coffee and American cigarettes." Still another will say, "I built houses," but I will say, "I didn't forget you." -- Simon Wiesenthal


Rudolf Vbra
Dr. Rudolf Vrba


Alfred Weltzler

Lilly Zelmanovic
(née Jacob)

   18-year-old Lilly Jacob was deported with her family, and most of the Jews of Hungary, in the spring of 1944. On the ramp at Auschwitz she was brutally separated from her parents and younger brothers; she never saw any of them again. She was lucky and survived; yet, she was not always convinced of the blessing of having survived totally alone, bereft of family, friends and her world.
   Unlike all of the other survivors, she was granted a small miracle. On the day of her liberation, in the Dora concentration camp hundreds of miles from Auschwitz, she found in the deserted SS barracks a photo album. It contained, among others, pictures of her family and friends as they arrived on the ramp and unknowingly awaited their death. It was a unique tie to what once had been, could never return, and could never be rebuilt.
   It was also, as we now know, the only photographic evidence of Jews arriving in Auschwitz or any other death camp.

.   .



Some Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust saved via the Kindertransports (Child Transports)


In November 1938, following the night of brutal attacks on Jewish homes across Germany known as Kristallnacht (night of broken glass), British refugee organisations persuaded the British government to permit Jewish children under 17 to come temporarily to Britain. Each child's keep, education, and eventual emigration had to be paid for by private individuals. In return, the government agreed to permit refugee children to enter the country on travel visas. Parents were not allowed to accompany their children.Between December 1938 and September 1939, when war began, the kindertransport trains brought around 10,000 children to Britain. Many would never see their parents again.

Ursula Adler

Anne Berkovitz

Harry Bibring

Helga Carden

Paul Cohn, German Holocaust Survivor
saved via the Kindertransport of May 21, 1939
currently Astor Professor at University College London, UK.

Hedy Epstein (née Wachenheimer)
born August 15, 1924 in Freiburg, Germany
saved through the Kindertransport of May 18, 1939
A photograph of the nine-year-old Grete Glauber in the 'Fremdenpass' or alien passport issued by the German Third Reich which allowed her to migrate from Austria to England in 1939 as one of the 'Kindertransport' children.


Ruth Amster Meador: My Sory

Harry Themal's official German identify card.
The J indicates he is a Jew.

1938 - 1939
" In deep gratitude to the people and Parliament of the United Kingdom for saving the lives of
10,000 Jewish and other children who fled this country from Nazi persecution on the Kindertransport "

(Plaque placed on September 16, 2003 at Liverpool Street Railroad Station In London, UK.)




Rabbi Berkowits

Rabbi Emeritus Laszlo Berkowits didn't ask "Where was God?" after his time in the German death camps. The Falls Church Rabbi thinks a more useful question to ask about the Holocaust is "Where was man?"


Ernst Ludwig


Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich, Holocaust Survivor Owes Life to Cioma Schönhaus -- a Passport Forger


Max Ehrlich

Max Ehrlich (1892-1944) was one of the most celebrated actors and directors on the German comedy and cabaret scene of the 1930s. His brilliant career was brutally interrupted by the rise of Nazism that resulted in him being deported in 1942 to Westerbork concentration camp in Holland. From there, in 1944, Max Ehrlich was transported to Auschwitz where he was gassed.



Lucille Eichengreen, German Holocaust Survivor
(survived the Lodz Ghetto, Auschwitz, Neuengamme, and Bergen-Belsen to identify and testify against her former Nazi captors.)
   DETAIL: In 1925, Lucille was born in Hamburg, Germany and lived with her mother Sala Landau, and her father, Benjamin Landau. Her sister, Karin, was born in 1930.
On October 27, 1938
, her father was arrested for the first time, but returned later in spring of 1939. On the same day that World War II began, her father was taken again, but only his ashes were returned in September 1941.
Lucille was 16 years old in 1941 when her regular schooling ended after being deported to the Lódz Ghetto in Poland where she remained for nearly four years.
Lucille arrived in Auschwitz in August1944 and was later transferred to the work camp, Dessauerufer in October 1944. She was then transported to the slave labor camp in Neungamme in November and December of 1944. There, Lucille and other inmates cleared bombed buildings and shipyards until the long walk to Bergen-Belsen in February and March



Rachel and brother Leon Epstein saved from the Holocaust
by a neighbouring Christian family from France,
Suzanne and Henri Ribouleau and their two sons, Rene and Marcel.

Marek Edelman,
                                                        Commander in
                                                        Warsaw Ghetto
Marek Edelman,
Commander in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,
Dies at 90



David Faber witnessed the murder of his parents, brother, and five of his six sisters. When he was finally liberated from his eight concentration camps, he weighed only 72 pounds. Despite these horrors, David feels very fortunate to have survived.


  • Sala Garncarz, Polish Holocaust Survivor

    It didn't seem so at the time, but Sala Garncarz was one of the lucky ones. When the Nazi invaded Poland in 1939, she was a 16-year-old Jewish girl living in Sosnowiec, a town close to German border. She volunteered to take the place of her older sister, Raizel, who had been ordered to report to a Nazi forced labor camp for six weeks. But the six weeks stretched into almost five years of servitude for Sala, in seven different camps, with a pittance for wages or none at all, filthy quarters and an abundance of typhus-carrying lice. Her luck was that her labor-worthiness as a seamstress saved her from Auschwitz, a main extermination center, where her parents and other family members died.
    The story of Sala (she is alive and well at
    82 and has grandchildren with her husband of 60 years, Sidney Kirschner) is told in a stirring new exhibition at the New York Public Library, which draws on more than 300 cherished from her family and friends; and a diary she managed to squirrel away during her years of servitude (for a while the Nazis let forced laborers send and receive mail, provided it was written in German). Crucial elements of her saga --which she kept under wraps for more than 50 years-- include the protective support of an older campmate,
    Ala Gertner, later hanged at Auschwitz for her part in an uprising there
    ; the kindness of a local German family to whose home she was sent under guard to use its sawing machine; her close comradeship with female workers at various camps; her introduction to her husband, then a G.I., at a Rosh Hashana service after the camps were liberated; her postwar discovery of her two surviving sisters; and her emigration as a war bride to the United States in 1946.
    [By Grace Glueck, Art Listings, The New York Times, March 10, 2006, p. B27.]


  • Chaya Gertzman, Holocaust Survivor of Transnistria

  • Salvador


    Salvador Gilbert, Auschwitz Holocaust Survivor,
    Reflects on the Holocaust with reporters from Televista, Mexico.

  • Gloria


    Gloria A. Glantz (née Przepiorka),
    Survived the Holocaust by being hidden in the farmhouse of a Polish Catholic woman, Mrs. Kowalchik

  • Simon Glasberg, 81, of Ottawa and
    Sister Hilda Shlick, 75, from Ashdod, Israel

    Born in Romania
    Separated by Holocaust
    Reunite after 65 years
    at Yad Vashem


    Simon and


Nesse Godin

Ben Guyer Ben Guyer, Auschwitz and Buchenwald Holocaust Survivor:
In the Gombin Ghetto and in the Nazi Camps

Note: The grandson Justin Edelman of Ben Guyer identified him in the
famous Buchenwald photograph of Margaret Bourke-White posted


                                                      and Miriam


Laszlo Ladanyi, Hungarian Holocaust Survivor
living in Argentina that was saved through the deeds of Raoul Wallenberg


  • Abe

 Abraham Landau, Polish Holocaust Survivor, cried out for truth
   <> His role: to bear witness
(responsible for the creation of the Holocaust Memorial in Buttonwood Park, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA)
<> Holocaust survivor Abraham Landau dies at 77

  • Edwin Langberg, Holocaust Survivor, 1953 Princeton Univ. Ph.D., and Author of the 2003 book "Sara's Blessing"

    Edwin Langberg


    The memory of the collaboration between the Judenrat and the Nazis has tortured me for years.
    How do I dare to call it collaboration when the Judenrat had presumably no choice?
    I dare because I saw what happened and I experience it.
    I dare because I want to understand how the Nazis corrupted the Judenrat, left the Jewish population leaderless, and expedited the Final Solution. 





Jasha Levi,
                                                Yugoslavian Holocaust



Primo Levi


Rev. Ernest Levy



  • Dr. Dagmar Lieblova, Terezin and Auschwitz Holocaust Survivor urges students not to forget the Holocaust

Four Siblings from the Romanian Lustig Family that Survived the Holocaust
  • Tiberiu Lustig (b. 1923 - ), Holocaust Survivor from Northern Transylvania currently living in Israel
  • Eva Czinczar [née Lustig] (b. 1924 - ), Holocaust Survivor from Northern Transylvania that survived Birkenau-Auschwitz and Kaiserwald, Dundaga, Stutthof, and Malchow concentration camps before being liberated by the Soviet Army.



  • Emilian Lustig (b. July 28, 1928 - ), Birkenau-Auschwitz and
    Dachau (Prisoner No. 11236) Holocaust Survivor.
    Worked for a while as a mechanic at the Meserschmith Aviation Plant in Augsburg and then in Tutzing, Germany.
    At the end, he contracted typhus but was able in three weeks to recover from it.
Tiberiu, Eva, Oliver, and Emilian.

(Courtesy United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

                                                      Row 1
Erika Eckstut (Neuman)
Ruth Elisabeth Greifer (Dahl)
Inge Katzenstein (Berg)
Werner Katzenstein
Helen Luksenburg (Hinda Chilewicz)
Welek Luksenburg


                                                      Row 2
Jill Pauly (Gisella Renate Berg)
Kurt Pauly
Pete Philipps
George (György) Pick
Regina Spiegel (Gutman)
Sam Spiegel


                                                      Row 3
Morris Rosen (Moniek Rozen)
Susi Warsinger (Hilsenrath)
Michel Margosis
Helen Lebowitz Goldkind
Irving Horn (Isachar Herszenhorn)
Norbert Yasharoff


                                                      Row 4
Nesse Godin (Galperin)
Flora Singer (Mendelowicz)
Charlene Schiff (Shulamit Perlmutter)
Martin Weiss
Henry Greenbaum (Chuna Grynbaum)
Susan Taube (Strauss)


                                                      Row 5
Elzbieta Strassburger (Lusthaus)
Manya Friedman (Moszkowicz)
David Bayer
Gerd Jacob Wiener (Zwienicki)
Tania Rozmaryn (Marcus)
Frank Ephraim


                                                      Row 6
Goldie Gendelman
Fritz Gluckstein
William Hess
Catherine Liner (Kato Fried)
Leon Merrick (Lajb Kusmirek)
Nina Merrick (Szuster)


                                                      Row 7
Kristine Belfoure
Gerald Liebenau
Halina Peabody (Litman)
Bella (Berger) Mischkinsky
Susan Berlin
Gerald Schwab


                                                      Row 8
Charles Stein
Esther Starobin (Rosenfeld)
Herman Taube
Johanna Gerechter Neumann
Haim Solomon
Sam Schalkowsky (Shmuel Shalkovsky)



Livia Schacter


... Genia then and
55 years latter ...

Reunited in New York in 1998 by the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous

... Julian then and
55 years latter ...

Petro, July

"Out of the 78 people in my family, I am the only one to survive."


Protect the Flag of Freedom
by Stephan Ross

Stephan Ross,
Polish Holocaust Survivor of Dachau
and other concentration camps currently residing in the Boston area, USA..

At the New England
Holocaust Memorial,
Boston, MA, USA.


Stephan Ross, 14,
on April 29, 1945
--the Liberation Day
of Dachau





Eli Zborowski

  • Eli Zborowski, Polish Holocaust Survivor
    Chairman of the American Society for Yad Vashem

    "My father was killed by Poles, but I was saved by Poles,
    It really shows that you can never generalize about people."




  • Pierre Seel, French Homosexual that survived the Schirmeck concentration camp
    Pierre Seel is a still living Frenchman who was deported to the Schirmeck concentration camp in 1941. After the war, in shame, he hid and in fact married and had children. In 1982, spurred by the denouncement of homosexuals as "sick" by Msgr. Elchinger, Bishop of Strasbourg, Pierre Seel went public with his story.


  • Points of Departure: Survivors of the Holocaust (now living in Israel)

    • Michael Gilead - Born Poland, 1925; deported to Auschwitz, 1941; in Israel since 1947; 5 children; police officer.

    Survived a forced labour camp, following which he was sent to Auschwitz, where he was one of 16 out of 4,000 prisoners to survive the death march of January 1945. Later, in Israel, he participated in the Eichmann trial as part of the Israeli police detachment, and as assistant to Gideon Hausner, the chief prosecutor.

    • Jenny Rozenstain - Born Romania, 1935; deported to Mogilov ghetto in Transnistria, 1944; in Israel since 1950; 2 children; hairdresser.

    "I felt terribly guilty for the murders committed in my family by the SS. They took me by surprise when I was playing outside the Mogilov Podolsk ghetto. This sadist took my little sister, who was only four months old, out of my grandmother's arms, placed her on a stone, and split her in two with an axe. Then he killed my grandmother, my aunt, and five of my cousins. I felt so guilty because until 1997 I never dared tell my story. I was afraid that no one would believe me. Now I have broken my silence and I weep, and so I release myself from this terrible burden of suffering which has weighed on my conscience all my life.'"

    • Yossi Offer - Born Romania, 1929; deported to Auschwitz, 1944; in Israel since 1946; 3 children; airline pilot.

    "Exactly six years after my liberation from Buchenwald, on 12 April, 1951, the chief of staff pinned on my chest the Israeli Air Force pilot's emblem. On the same spot where, just a short while before, I was forced to wear the yellow star of David that symbolized disgrace and humiliation. I was so proud to wear now the blue star of David."

    • Ruth Elias - Born Czechoslovakia, 1922; deported to Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, 1942; in Israel since 1949; 2 children; writer.

    "Our tormentors tried to dehumanize us, to kill every part of our personality. They had not reckoned with our spiritual and intellectual resistance. And the Germans could not reduce that to nothing...it was hope that enabled me to survive and then presented me with the most precious of all gifts: a family, children, grandchildren, all in a new homeland."

    • Benjamin Anolik - Born Poland, 1926; deported to Vilna Ghetto, 1941; in Israel since 1949; 3 children; teacher.

    Was saved twice from certain death in Estonia. Immediately after the war he worked helping surviving children and orphans, continuing his work as a member of the Ghetto Fighters Kibbutz in northern Israel. He returned to Germany several times to give evidence against Nazi criminals and is today a member of the International Commission of Justice.

Two Female Hungarian Holocaust Survivors that became Olympic Greats
Now in 2004
at the age of 83...
and then ...
at Foro Italico (Rome) in 1954
for the World Championship
and in 1956 when
she fled Hungary for Israel

Swimming for the gold ...

*** Footnote: In 1952, Éva Székely married
PoloDezsoDezsö Gyarmati, Hungary's water polo captain in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics and dubbed as the "Greatest Waterpoloist of All Time"
(Dezsö Gyarmati is considered the greatest water poloist of all-time. His feat of winning water polo medals at five successive Olympic Games (gold 1952, 1956, 1964; silver 1948; bronze 1960) has never been matched. See also Ref. 1 and Ref. 2.)


2. Oral History Archives and Holocaust Survivor Testimonies

To keep alive not only memory
but also its voices
is a noble undertaking.
- Elie Wiesel

"…I still do not want to talk about these things. When I do, it is not like reading a book, it is having to live through it again, and I have never wanted to keep feeling the misery of it. And I particularly did not want my children to know, especially about the sexual parts. I did not want to explain what I had to do. It is not nice, nor something that they have to know. They can read about these things…"

-- Anne (Holocaust Survivor living in Australia)

The Living Testify
"In the field of Holocaust literature, nothing is as important nor as meaningful as the personal accounts of those who survived its nightmare only to tell the tale." --Elie Weisel
                                            Living Testify
The people in the above photos are Holocaust survivors who now live on Moshav Nir Galim in Israel. Professor Moshe Davis has recorded their Holocaust stories in The Living Testify.

From the Azrieli Foundation:

Holocaust Survivors
                                              from Azrieli Foundation
"Forget You Not"™



Holocaust Women's

  • From Sobibor to Holland

  • Ludwika Fiszer's Chilling Story
  • Testimony of Edith Potok

  • Narrow Escape to and from Norway - Margrit's Story  
  • Testimony of Mrs. Sidonia Mandel

  • From Lublin to Sobibor
  • From Mielec to Sobibór: The Testimony of Eda Lichtman




A collection of over 4,300 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust that is part of

Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.


                                              Database of Oral History
USHMM Catalog Search









A candid conversation with Leah Dudman:








  • An Interview with William Lowenberg
    German/Dutch survivor of Auschwitz, Dachau - also slave laborer within the Warsaw Ghetto
    [Source: tellingstories.org - Oral History Archives Project of The Urban School, San Francisco, CA, USA.]





  •  Karl Lyon
    German refugee who experienced the rise of Nazism and returns to Germany as an American soldier to fight against the Nazis
    [Source: tellingstories.org - Oral History Archives Project of The Urban School, San Francisco, CA, USA.]


  • Freda Rosenfarb Reider,
    Austrian child refugee who experienced the Anschluss and fled to the United States in 1939
    [Source: tellingstories.org - Oral History Archives Project of The Urban School, San Francisco, CA, USA.]






Voice/Vision: Holocaust Survivor Oral History Project of the University of Michigan-Dearborn


Holocaust Testimonies from Polish Jews

• Biber A. (Myslowice)
• Maria Adlerfligel (Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Mrs. Auerbach (Olkusz)
• Grzegorz Ajbeszyc (Warsaw, Bedzin, Otwock, Sosnowiec, Dabrowa Gornicza, Auschwitz)
• Naftali Baron (Sosnowiec, and other towns)
• Adela Neufeld Boruchowska (Sosnowiec)
• Samuel Brechner (Sosnowiec, Czeladz, Bedzin, Auschwitz)
• Jakob Bursztyn (Bedzin, Sosnowiec)
• Ilza Kupferminc and Gerlic Chiel (Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Zaglebie, Auschwitz)
• Cecylia Chmielnicka (Bedzin, Sosnowiec)
• Genia Singer and Chaim Dunski (Sosnowiec, Bedzin, Auschwitz, Katowice)
• Hela Fajgenblatt (Wisau camp, Dabrowa)
• Rosa Felczer (Sosnowiec, Czarne Morze, Strzemieszyce)
• Rozia Felczer (Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Dawid Fischer (Chrzanow, Plaszow-Krakow, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Jerichem Frajman (Strzemieszyce, Bedzin, Auschwitz)
• Jakob Freiberger (Bedzin, Grodziec, and surroundings)
• Aron Gelbard (Czeladz, Bedzin)
• Itka Goldkorn (Sosnowiec, Walbrzych)
• Gertruda Goldstein (Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Trzyniec, Klettendorf camp)
• Abraham Grinblat (Sosnowiec, Myslowice)
• Lejb Grinbaum (Dabrowa Gornicza, Pinczow, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
• Joel Grünkraut (Zawiercie, Sosnowiec)
• Jakob Freiberger (Bedzin)
• Ilse Freund (Gundelsdorf bei Kronach camp, Oberfranken, Flossenburg)
• Eli (Emil) Grunbaum (Jaworzno, Sosnowiec, Graditz, Chrzanow)
• Lejzor Herman (Niwka, Nivka, Modrzejow, Modshejov)
• Henryk Herstein (Krakow, Wolbrom, Plaszow, Slomniki, Dzialoszyce, Proszowice, Skala, Zarnowiec, Pilica,
Miechow, Belzec, Wierzbno, Ostrow Swietokrzyski, Oswiecim, Auschwitz, Gliwice, Buchenwald, Sonneberg)

• Regina Horstein (Sosnowiec, - workshops)
• Lejzor Kac, Katz (Sosnowiec, Annaberg - Gora sw. Anny, Landeshut camp, Birkenau, Oranienburg, Flossenburg)
• Fela Katz (Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Chrzanow, Gliwice, Slovakia, Budapest, Oswiecim-Auschwitz)
• Fela Katz (Bedzin, Auschwitz, Sosnowiec, Zaglebie, Warsaw, Czestochowa, Zawiercie, Zarki)
• Fela Katz (around Cwi Dunski, towns: Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Fela Katz (Sosnowiec, Bedzin, Zawiercie, Poraj, Zarki, Warszawa, Oswiecim-Auschwitz)
• Izaak Klajman (Bedzin)
• Sara Klein (Chorzow, Slawkow, Strzemieszyce, Sosnowiec, Bukowno)
• Fela Kokotek (Sosnowiec, Ochociec, Chorzow)
• Roza Kozak (Sosnowiec)
• Nacha Krakowska (Bedzin, Myslowice, Sosnowiec, Trzyniec)
• Nacha Krakowska (Bedzin, Strzemieszyce, Sosnowiec)
• Abraham Krakowski (Sosnowiec, Bedzin)
• Abraham Krakowski (Sosnowiec, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
• Abraham Krakowski (Sosnowiec-Pogon, Katowice)
• Estera Krell (Bedzin, Dabrowa Gornicza, Sosnowiec)
• Friedrich Kuczynski (Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Annaberg - Gora sw. Anny)
• Ilza Kupfermuntz (Bedzin, Annaberg, Auschwitz)
• Israel Leib - Leon Gelberger (Sosnowiec, Auschwitz-Birkenau)
• Eliasz Lemberg (Krakow, Olkusz, Trzebinia, Chrzanow, Blechhammer, Auschwitz, Jelenia Gora)
• Anna Lerchenfeld (Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Dabrowa Gornicza, Zaglebie, Annaberg)
• Genia Lewkowicz (Dabrowa Gornicza)
• Szlama Lewkowicz (Zawiercie, Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz-Oswiecim)
• Regina Liberman (Zawiercie, Sosnowiec, Kromolow, Poraj)
• Greta Majzels (Bielsko-Biala, Wadowice, Sosnowiec, Freiburg-Schlesien, Egelsdorf, Bersdorf-Friedeberg, Kratzau)
• Artur Markowicz (Andrychow, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Israel Marymont (Sosnowiec)
• Issacher Mandelbaum (Trzebinia, Chrzanow, Jaworzno, Szczakowa, Auschwitz)
• Katarzyna Mincer (Sosnowiec, Zaglebie)
• Katarzyna Mincer (Bedzin, Annaberg, Sosnowiec)
• Katarzyna Mincer (Katowice, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Samuel Mittelman (Dabrowa Gornicza, Bedzin, Auschwitz)
• N. Meryn, Meryn family (Bedzin)
• Genia Molczadzka (Bedzin, Warszawa, Zaglebie)
• Jakob (Jakub) Neufeld (Jaworzno, Sosnowiec, Chrzanow, Trzebinia, Bedzin)
• Jakub Neufeld (Sosnowiec, Bedzin, Dabrowa Gornicza, Auschwitz)
• Jerzy Olszewski (Sosnowiec)
• Dawid Pinkus (Siemianowice)
• Orbach Pinkus (Sosnowiec)
• Samuel Reifer (Chrzanow, Sosnowiec, Blechhammer, Gräditz, Faulbruck, Markstadt, Görlitz, Zittau, Auschwitz)
• Izrael Rozen (Bedzin, Dabrowa, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Jakub Sandzer /Sander/ (Circumstances of the Bedzin Jews during the war)
• Hanka Szajer (Bedzin, Annaberg, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Samuel Zborowski (Strzemieszyce)
• Helena Zmigrod (Dabrowa, Bedzin, Sosnowiec, Auschwitz)
• Samuel Mitelman, Manek Szpigielman (Dabrowa Gornicza, Sosnowiec, Bedzin, Auschwitz)
• Bronislawa Sztylman (Pilica, Dabrowa Gornicza, Sosnowiec)
• Mojzesz Szwarc (Bedzin, Blechhammer camp, Klettendorf camp, Sosnowiec, Dabrowa Gornicza, Czeladz)


Schindler's List
Oskar Schindler's List
Courtesy: OscarSchindler.com




3. Photos of Holocaust Jewish Survivors at Liberation

Prisoners at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp after their liberation
on January 28, 1945.


3 Polish Jews
Three Polish Jews liberated by the Red Army
-- Auschwitz, Poland, 1945.
In the afternoon of 27 January, 1945, Red Army soldiers entered Auschwitz. They found 7,650 weak and sick prisoners. The Germans' hasty retreat made it impossible for them to evict the last prisoners and force them onto a "death march". The Russians documented the horrific scenes they witnessed, in thousands of pictures and many films.
From Yad Vashem Archives


                                                      Jewish female
Jewish female survivors from Budapest, Hungary
-- Fenig, Germany, April 1945.
"Walking corpses" was how a US Army photographer described the group of 68 women from Budapest, Hungary found by soldiers of the 3rd Battalion of the US Army in the Fenig camp, Germany. They had been starved and worked to death in a factory for aircraft parts. The women, several of them dying, were transferred to a German Air Force hospital for treatment. [This photograph was one of those distributed by the Allies for explanatory purposes.] -- From Yad Vashem Archives.


Surviving children from
Surviving children of the Auschwitz camp walk out of the children's barracks.


Women survivors
                                          of slave labor camps
Jewish women who survived the slave labor camps.



Women inmates at
                                              liberation in

Women inmates at Birkenau-Auschwitz after Soviet soldiers liberate the camp on January 27, 1945.


Buchenwald Survivors at Liberation in April 1945

Buchenwald survivors
These four Jewish detainees were photographed four weeks
after the arrival of US troops in Buchenwald.
[Gedenkstätte Buchenwald]

Prisoners from Block

Prisoners of the Block/Barrack 61 at liberation [AFP/Spiegel]


Margaret Bourke-White's famous photographs at the liberation of Buchenwald.
(published in the May 7, 1945, issue of Life magazine)

                                                Bourke-White's famous
                                                Buchenwald photograph

Buchenwald survivors
                                              at liberation
Prisoners at liberation in front of Block/Barack 62.
[Gedenkstätte Buchenwald]

Surviving children
                                              from BuchenwaldSurviving children from Buchenwald at liberation.
[Gedenkstätte Buchenwald]

Buchenwald Holocaust
A group of survivors in Buchenwald at liberation.

 The man in the middle has lifted his trousers to show the effects of malnutrition to the photographer. [U.S. National Archives]



Dachau survivors

Following the liberation, prisoners prepare food in the Dachau camp.



4. Memorials and Celebrations to Life in the Shadows of Death and Destruction

Euphoria at the Liberation of Dachau
Dachau at

From Yad Vashem Archives: <www1.yadvashem.org/education/German/Liberation/photo2.htm>

Dachau liberated!

Polish Prisoners
                                                  liberated at Dachau

YOU ARE FREE!: Dachau liberated by the US Army (April 29, 1945)
Polish prisoners in Dachau toast their liberation from the camp.
Photo credit: German National Archives

... their stories

January 27, 1945 -- the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by soldiers of the Soviet Army
<http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/gallery/p538.htm> / <sundweb.com/Danmark/home.htm>


Survivors at
Emaciated Jewish survivors, who had been confined to the infirmary barracks at Ebensee, are gathered outside on May 7, 1945, the day after liberation. The survivor at center-left holding his metal name tag is Joachim Friedner, a 21-year-old Polish Jew from Krakow.


Some of the most difficult photographs from the Holocaust were those taken by the Allied liberating forces upon entering the camps. The liberating soldiers were met by masses of corpses and tens of thousands of prisoners who were on the brink of death.
Yet, for the Jews, liberation did not bring unequivocal relief. They would not and could not return home; there was no home other than bloody graveyards and rubble. Emigration was blocked by strict immigration laws around the world, and the survivors' demands to be allowed into Palestine were resisted by the British Mandatory authorities.

Bergen-Belsen Camp at Liberation



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